
Saturday, 26 October 2019

The next steps

What happened after the intial meetting on February 22nd 1973 with the church, were events that would end up with a constitution and much activity but no productions. Disappointing for a theatre group that had been very active, well known and successful. The group was not without drive and direction.

Most of the early energy was spent in the set up of the group. Margaret Midgely’s reply to the minister was not at all cowing in tone. Trinity went on the front foot. For the first year only one play was anticipated. This was not to be for reasons you will discover. She went on to say that Farrar Street Players had had 41 years of building a name and could command five hundred seats sold in a week.

Old issues were challenged. The previous chapter made mention of membership and openness of the group. Margaret states that Farrar Street Players were only a church group but became open prior to this ‘new society’. Going on, she states that Trinity will ‘fit in’ within the constraints, saying that homes could be used earlier in the rehearsal period.

Despite this concession, Margaret, in a hand written note states quite clearly that “We have no intention of becoming a ‘house group’ and it is essential that rehearsal accommodation be found on church premises.” Further, it was added, ”...we cannot see it in our way possible to produce a play under your (LGA’s) proposed condition.... The Players would welcome further discussion” and requested the Minister to “leave this point open in your report to the elders...” The joint committee of the elders proposed ‘The New Players group’ 

The main points were set out as follows:
The new society will be invited to contribute to the total witness of the Church and in consultation with the Minister and Elders make a real contribution to worship.
At this point the minister added in a communication to the Players...”Like other church organisations, you will be free to involve people who are not members (of Trinity United Reformed Church) and have effective control over your a fully Church related group which means no more than sharing the full aims of the church and presenting your reports and financial statements.”
At last, this clarity allowed Trinity Players could draw up a constitution and a first meeting was held on Monday, 9th April, 1973. 

Its prime objective was to further the dramatic arts by performance of plays and aid the church financially. Subs were set at 25p with 15p for concessions. All in all, this was duly sent to the Minister and Trinity Players would meet on the 30th April to draft a programme. The Barnsley Chronicle reported the change in name with a quote from Bill  Moss. “The current interest and numbers are very encouraging indeed.  A number of play readings will be held throughout the summer and autumn and a full production will be presented in spring, 1974”

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